KC Games
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Description:Guide Nyan Cat through the galaxy in his never-ending quest for YUMMIES! Eat yummies! Avoid veggies! Get a high score! Customize your Nyan Cat!\ \ All content either used with permission (e.g. Nyan Cat, game-over screen art) or original by krangGAMES (e.g. all the items, menu interfaces)\ \ 2011 krangGAMES, All rights reserved\ \ Updates\ \ Secret!: Try typing \“NyanFisher\” in the main menu ;)
Instructions:Up/Down to Move\ \ Eat Yummies; Avoid Veggies\ \ Shift+M: Toggle Audio\ \ kranggames.com\ \ facebook.com/kranggames\ \ twitter.com/kranggames
Top 10 Games

Cave Bros: Brickscape
Ricochet the Bouncy Bro off the Blue Bro to smash all the bricks. Catch power-ups from smash...