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Mysterious Treasures
Date added:OCT 18,2011
Tags: Strategy Battle, Skill, Stage Clear, Miscellaneous,
Description:Beware of the Pirate’s Curse while pursuing gold coins on the mysterious Caribbean island!
Instructions:The object of the game is to collect as many “HAPPY” coins as possible while at the same time trying to avoid collecting “CURSED” coins. Each player must click on a square that has coins on it. The player controls the chip when it is green. You must move the chip only horizontally. The red opponent must move the chip only vertically. The Red Ghost has taken control of his mind on one turn. The Ghost has four levels of difficulty. The game comes to an end when either player cannot successfully move the chip onto a square that has coins on it. You have 5 ships. If you collect more “CURSED” coins, you will lose the ship.
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