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Echoes: Operation Stranglehold
Date added:APR 05,2013
Tags: Action, Shooting, Beat em up, Gun, Skill,
Description:An extensive universe on a torn Earth almost three-hundred years in the future... Please note this game is loaded with action, and may load on your cpu. If you have any slow frame rates try to lower the graphic settings. Also note there is a heavy story-teller, with scenes and dialogues. If you’re in only for the action, there’s always a skip button in the corner. Combat mode: - Mouse - aim, shoot - W,A,S,D - movement - Shift - sprint - Q - command, drag for select units - E - action circle - 1-6 - activate abilities - Mouse scroll - swap weapons - Z,X,C,V,B - swap weapons - Space - switch to Strategy mode P, ESC - Pause game Strategy mode: - W,A,S,D - camera movement - Shift - faster camera movement - Mouse drag - select units - Mouse click - order units to move - Ctrl + Mouse click - order units to attack-move - Hold shift while selecting units to select additional units. - Space - switch to Combat mode. - Ctrl + 1-5 to group a few units together. P, ESC - Pause game
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