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Danny Phantom: Freak For All Loading 0%

Danny Phantom: Freak For All


Date added:NOV 29,2010

Tags: Action, Adventure, Advergames, Beat 'Em Up, Fighting, Ghost, Platforms, Side Scrolling,

Description:Freakshowm The evil, has escaped with the Reality Gauntlet. To maintain the world's sanity, this weapon of great power cannot remain in his freaky hands! Luckily he has not found all the gems to fully operate it, but it is only a matter of time before he does. Find the gems and stop Freakshow before he uses the Reality Gauntlet!

Instructions:Arrow Keys- To move.\ \ Space bar- To attack.\ \ G key- Ghost button.\ \ Arrow key up- To jump.\ \ Arrow key down- To crouch.\ \ \ \ Standard Moves\ \ Up + Up- Double Jump.\ \ Up + Space- Jump Kick.\ \ Down + Space- Crouched Attack.\ \ \ \ Combo Attacks\ \ Space x 3 - Jab Attack.\ \ Space + G + Space - Spin Punch/Phantom Fist\ \ Space + Space + Down arrow + Space- Hard Front Kick

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